100 square feet of office or home space ~100SquareFeetOfOfficeOrHomeSpace

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NASA’s Clean Air Study was supervised by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in collaboration with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America. The findings from the study indicate that some common indoor plants could be utilized to eliminate toxic substances such as formaldehyde, benzene , and trichloroethylene naturally from the air. This could help to reduce the negative effects of sick building syndrome.

The initial list of air filtering plant was compiled by NASA in the course of a clean-air study published in 1989 which researched ways to cleanse the air in space stations. The plants do not only take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, as they do in nature, but also eliminate significant amounts of benzene and formaldehyde. The lists 2 and 3 are taken from B. C. Wolverton’s book and papers. They focus on specific chemical compounds.

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NASA researchers recommend that at least one plant be placed per 100 square feet of office or home space. Another study has revealed that micro-organisms in the soil mix (soil) of a potted plant remove benzene from the air and that certain plant species can also help in removing benzene.

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