Good Law Project [unofficial]
Jane March
Freelance non-fiction writer and editor.
English tutor of ESL, and GCSE, A Level English.
Also: novelist, global citizen, socialist
Helen "Good Morning!" Caton
Author, Leadership Coach, Business Owner (Forton Group). Volunteer for Global Peace Education Network . Hobbies: gardening, crafts and learning Italian. Loves life; hates greed, division and Brexit.
Jane Fanghanel
Recently retired so more time to toot. Owned by a small dog.
Sometime #photographer
Interests: #politics #environment #cooking #reading #EU
Dislike: #Tories
Dr Francis Sedgemore
Space scientist turned journalist, writer and editor. Visit my website, subscribe to my Substack, and connect on LinkedIn.
Unfreiwillige Inselaffe. On the planetary radio waves as M0XBQ.
Roysia | Anglia | Europa | Terra
It's me! Yes! That one!
photographer ex-IT guy ex-scientist linguist gardener woodworker genealogist polymath earthling brewer
I‘m just an average guy tryin‘ to do what‘s right. Vive l‘Europe.
💚🌱🌻🏳🌈 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 🌍🌎🌏 One Earth, World problem
Humanist for a 'type 1' civilisation powered by our solar system and an end to wars/conflict due to ideology. Ignorance is never a choice. Education and democracy please.
Jonathan, b.1962.
I've set up Twitter forwarding using IFTT. Hope this won't annoy as hashtags and profile links won't work. Media I read and follow has more support for the Twitter platform and not wanting to duplicate. Let me know if you want me to stop.
zenlan :coffefied:
Steam-powered tech lady cleaning the data of the dead and the broken things
@zenlan on that there Twatter
Data wrangler. Freelancer. Mostly working for The Restart Project, The Open Repair Alliance and various cultural orgs.