Children of the revolution (again and again)

It's history baby!

This post in the continuation of my thoughts on 7/22/20 and still have to completely thought through.

The connection between the state and the laws and culture implemented and how new generations are born into this cultural and political system, could be also found in the relationship between children and their parents.

I am myself are not a parent, so I just assume certain developments parents go through. Every parent will be sooner or later be confronted with the Zeitgeist, even if they completely have lost touch on the progress and social development in the world. This will eventually also lead to conflicts concerning their own education and upbringing, once children leave the supervision of their protected homes and enter the world by entering kindergarten or school. I think most of us will know what I am aiming at.

Like in the above relationship, the connection to the state or nation we are born in and the set of rules and laws that the authority (older generations of our parents have implemented) will have to be adapted and accepted. Like parents and children, some people will never get along with the system, the rules and the way things are. The ongoing questioning, challenging the necessity of the way things are old us from those who lead and educate us, is something that is considered a normal process.

How are those developments handled? Very differently. Like education, the form of government will favor variations in some way or another.

The authoritarian approach

The anti-authoritarian approach

Focus on individuality and personal freedom of choice

The (old) conservative in all of us


Openness vs. Living behind closed doors


Rule and educate by force


Would a world ruled by children look differently? Absolutely

In the relationship with the parents we learned that changes some times or often need to be fought for. They take time and persistence. Generations born into this world will also try to change the world, for the worse or better, but there will be always the energy to change things, by not accepting current standards of what our laws, education and social norms have told us.

So what now? Accept, that it will take generations until we see a utopia implemented? I guess.

There will be attempts from the states and our leaders to prevent a development that should lead in personal and social independence.

Being free - from your (maybe) conservative controlling parents - from the conservative controlling state authority