Racism electing, Racism elected

boycott the elections for Zionist Knesset

The call for boycott #Israel elections is much more then symbolic protest against the builtin racism of every aspect of #Israel politics. boycott is a strategic position that confronts the very nature of the those elections electorate. electorate (and not electors…) is the most crucial property of any elections. to understand the root anti-democratic nature of #Israel electorate, we should go back to the #Nakba and the partition of #Palestine


The #Nakba, the mass destruction of Palestinian communities by #Zionist forces, took part between 1947 and 1949. 700,000 Palestinians where excelled from their country. only 200,000 where left to be “minority” in there occupied homeland, having the formal right to vote but never are able to have any significant effect in the #Zionist parliament, AKA the #Knesset

In many ways, the #Nakba was never ended, it is still ongoing as the refugees are still expelled from there lands and the efforts continue to destruct more and more Palestinian communities, in the #Naqab, #Jaleel or the #west-bank. together with the ongoing #Nakba, there are ongoing efforts to secure the “Jewish majority” of the so called democracy, both in terms of numbers (law of return, denying family reunification), and in terms of political views that are banned by law and court. the Palestinian population that leaves in #Gaza and the #West-bank is denied from any participation in the elections, a fact that is accepted by all #Zionist parties. instead, they are supposed to vote for the “Palestinian Authority” that does not represent most of the Palestinian people and is virtually a regional entity with hardly symbolic independence as defined in Oslo agreements.

with Israeli electorate dominates all #Palestine and includes every #Jewish person in every part of #Palestine, but only the Palestinians in 48` territory, the Palestinian masses are banned from any legal political power. the Palestinian representatives in the #Knesset do have the power to support one #Zionist party against others, giving there votes to the same ongoing #Nakba that denying them any other power, giving #Israel the stamp of “Democracy” that it uses to whitewash it’s racism and war crimes.

The Palestinian masses from the river to the sea, together with the refugees, do need practical ways to express there voices and to effect the day-to-day issues of there existence. such effect can only be achieved by clear strategy of struggle that aim to politically unite the Palestinian masses in all #Palestine, into one anti-colonialist mass movement, a liberation movements, that have elected institutions to lead the struggle, not to “rule” under the occupation. a joint clear strategy that confronts racism in any part of #Palestine and does not sacrifice the basic elements of democratic struggle for the sake of illusions like the elections under occupation in the west bank or like “fight from within” in the inherently racist #Knesset