Trying to automate the LiveJournal entries

I've learned a few things, and those things are that things weirdly don't work as expected

I’ve made some progress with automating the LJ Import and I say some because it really is a bit hit and miss right now.

I’ve published, by hand, The Logarion Archives up until January 2022 (with the exception of a couple I had to do in advance for reasons). That was painful and I’m sure I made a lot of mistakes, so I need a better way.

I was looking at some DIY solutions and I’m not going to lie, I was not successful in making that work. As is the capitalist way, problems can be solved with money, and I found a place to make that happen.

There have been some things post through and some others that cause problems for no real obvious reason :

error_message	eventtime	subject
404 Not Found	2002-01-21	5ive
404 Not Found	2002-01-22	Strange folks!

Since I’m also on the trial version I can only pump three rows at a time and almost always 2/3 fail for this reason. It seems to be making three individual requests and there has been an occasion where all three worked, but only one post came out of it.

Not sure if this is something that is happening with EasyCSV or on my end, but I emailed them to ask about it as if I can get this to churn in the posts it is much faster to clean up a CSV file than it is to do all this by hand 6 000 times :

RapidAPI breaking my hands and soul

I’ve also noticed Plume was doing some odd things today when federating, I’m hoping this isn’t because I had to manually modify the database yesterday. Cos if I fecked up the DB that is going to hurt my soul since I’m missing all the stuff from the backups between yesterday and today.

Plume problems

As I’m writing this entry, I probably should have put it in technically sus, so to make sure I can consider this a non-technical post here is the cats being cats.

