Kévin kevin@mmn.ca

Open on mmn.ca

Hello Internaute, I started writing things on the internet back when it was basically AOL, made a few little sites and then found #LiveJournal in #y2k. Been journalling, then blogging, and whatever we call it next. This is my server, these are my words, come and enjoy them #fedi22


vincent @vincent@plume.deuxfleurs.fr

Tom Goldoin @tgoldoin@plume.deuxfleurs.fr

Aussi sur Twitter

ADRN @adrien@plume.deuxfleurs.fr


casseteblog @osr@plume.nogafam.es

Casseteblog, #coleccion y movidas. Me flipan las cintas de #cassette, los #radiocassettes, los #walkmans, las #grabadoras y he creado este blog para reunir información sobre estos cacharros olvidados.