One of the Plume developers.
Olwë 🧙♀️
Cyberwitch ! 🧙♀️(Elle | She | Her)
Gauchiste du minitel 🖥
Là pour parler numérique, vélo, transidentité, politique, imaginaire, SF, et plein plein d'autre trucs !
Feel free to talk ! 👋
TV addict, science fiction enthusiast, proud inhabitant of Earth (our only home).
Posting about actresses and tv series I'm a fan of. Some tech and politics in between.
There's nothing wrong with fighting for social justice. Black Lives Matter. Gender equality. Fight for a sustainable use of environmental resources.
Gidi Kroon
TV addict, science fiction enthusiast, proud inhabitant of Earth (our only home).
Trying to show support for films, tv series, actresses and musicians I admire. Posting some tech and politics in between.
There's nothing wrong with fighting for social justice. Black Lives Matter. Gender equality. Fight for a sustainable use of environmental resources.
Posts by me are published cc-by, so they may be shared, boosted, reposted, reblogged, retweeted, etc. Posts and/or photos by others that I share remain copyright by the respective owners.
El Joa
My name is Elmar, I live in Europe.
I never used twitter.
Sometimes offline.
Moved here from
he/him (they/them is ok)
irgendwie links. und zeimlich bürgi.
Im Skrlet13, admin of Chilemasto
Agénero, chilene.
No reviso a toda la gente de la cual tooteo, así que vayan con cuidado. Espero ser inofensive. Todo retootable si no se dice lo contrario.
Siéntete libre de hablarme
xp es crossposting A birdsite
Dominique Feyer
Father, co-founder of and, content management expert, devops fanboy, open source contributor, Neos CMS & Flow Framework team member; permaculture, anarchist, commons
Gérald Niel 🤘 ☭ Ⓐ :bass:
Bassiste, ingé-son, newsmaster, pas informaticien (en théorie), autodidacte, cyclotouriste/sportif et "vélotafeur".
Au boulot, responsable du SI (logiciels).
#vélo #vélotaf #basse #FreeBSD #rock #metal #hardrock #RaspberryPi
Rust, NixOS, Minimal/Techno/Trance/PsyTrance
Speaks EN, DE, Rust, C++, C, Bash, Latex, Ruby
Raymonds Martinez
What ever you find your self doing do it best.